Sunday, September 9, 2007

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McKay has become very close with a family in Columbus named the Pesce's. Sister Pesce has been battling cancer for quite some time and it has now returned for a fourth time. There isn't very much that the doctor's can do for her and they are telling her that her time is short. This has been a difficult experience for McKay to watch and he talked about it in his last letter.

"......she is just the coolest lady, next to the Dre of course, but she is just amazing. She is like my Mom on my mission because she is always telling me what to do and about life and marriage and all this stuff. Every night when I am praying, I get to the point where I am praying for her and I start to cry. I wish I could take on some of her pains and just let her sleep good for one night and feel good for just one day. I want to help her and she says that I do, but I want to do more than just clean her car and things like that - I am struggling with it right now.

.....We are playing dodge ball today and we are taking some of the youth with us, it should be fun. I am sending some pictures of our dodge ball team, we are really sick!

Paul is getting baptized this weekend and I will be baptizing him. I am really stoked for that and I want to feel extra worthy and in tune so I have been focusing on that.

Someone tried to break into our house last night through the roof and someone stole a bunch of money from Vic, the guy who owns the furniture store we live in, so we are going to start carrying knives with us ( ha ha ha, just kidding don't freak out Mom). But I have to go. I love you guys very much. I got the pictures of Clayton. I love you all and thanks for everything.

Elder Skeen

Saturday, September 8, 2007

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Morgan is settled into school and soccer at the University of Utah. Her schedule is rigorous and it requires good balancing skills ( good preparation for motherhood - all you new mother's will appreciate that). She has been in school for 3 weeks and she has been to Arizona, California, Colorado and Washington with a scrimmage against Weber State in Salt Lake. Megan and Ryan will be blessing Addison next week and Morgan has two games in Salt Lake that weekend so we are able to pack a lot of family bonding into one weekend. Doug and I plan to fly up for several more games and the schedules even permitted a BYU football game or two. Doug has had a little trouble switching from Blue to Red but he now proudly wears his Utah Soccer T-shirt and red Utah hat.

GO UTES !!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Our family tree

Here are some recent pictures of our family. We had Tracy and her kids down this weekend and Kelly and Tim came down also. The grandkids almost drove Doug to a hotel but when they were asleep it was great. We also went to watch Morgan play soccer for the first time. She is on a soccer scholarship to the University of Utah and starts as a freshman!!! We are very proud parents. There is also a picture of Linda at Caden's first soccer game giving him some directions during half time!