Thursday, February 21, 2008


Wednesday is the day that I go for Chemotherapy Treatments and I have referred to it as, "Chemo Day." I have, however, decided to rename this day to"Attitude Adjustment Day" and this is the reason why. It seems like every time I go I am fortunate enough to meet someone absolutely and completely amazing. I did a posting about my experience last week and this week was another "grab you by the heart leaving you speechless fighting back the tears" experience. The woman I met was, as near as I could tell, about my age. I introduced myself and was immediately impressed by her big smile and pleasant demeanor. I asked her about her circumstances and how treatment was going for her and found out that we were following the very same regimen only she was ahead of me by a few weeks. I asked her how the dreaded 8 weeks of AC (Adriamyacin and Cytoxin) had gone for her and she took a deep breath and winced at the thought of it. I told her that I really understood her pain and how glad I was to be done with that part of the treatment. Then came the "adjustment." She told me how she had been diagnosed in October and started the dreaded AC and it was right after treatment # 2 that her husband had surgery for a routine hernia repair. As a result of his surgery he suffered a bowel obstruction which then resulted in severe infection and he suddenly died in November. I sat there almost not believing what I was hearing and then without even thinking reached out to hug this courageous lady. I asked her how she was dealing with all of this and she said that it had been a very very difficult 5 months but that she was figuring it out. My experience hadn't even scratched the surface of her pain. Gratitude for all that I have been blessed with completely filled my soul and I vowed once again to try to lift, support and ease the pain.


Cara said...

I am humbled by your strength, your courage and your unbelievable grace. How lucky we are to have you in our lives!!

The Plewe Clan said...

As I am reading your post...I burst into tears. I cannot even imagine how painful both emotionally and physically the last few months have been for that woman. I think that you are not the only one that is gaining a whole new attitude adjustment...count me in with that! Even thought this experience has been difficult for you I know that our family has been blessed during this experience and you sure have taught me alot...isn't that what mothers are supposed to do. Love you!!!!

Ryan and Megan said...

I really love this story. What strong and amazing women you both are. To be able to get up every morning and smile... Seriously!
I can't imagine her pain, i hope she has kids to keep her company!

I love you

Mitch said...

Hey Skeen Family!!!!!!!!! Its Mitch Manley. So good to see you have a blog. I have been married 3 years and finally having a little baby girl in april. I can't wait. Hope you are all doing well!!

Annie said...

Trace and I think of you often and continue to pray for your return to good health.

Jamie Jo said...

What a touching letter from McKay. His testimony is so evident as well as his love for that family.